Band e Qaba

Band e Qaba - Mohsin Naqvi - PDF Download

Band e Qaba Poetry Book by Mohsin Naqvi

The use of similes, metaphors and symbols has created innovation. The salient feature of Mohsin Naqvi's ghazals is balance and moderation. The lyricism of the ghazals, the variety of themes, the softness of the tone and the eloquence give them uniqueness in contemporary modern poets. At the same time, there are small realities of life and innocent truths. In his ghazals, along with the quality of beauty and love, there is also a reflection of social meaning, experience and reality. Since Mohsin is basically a ghazal poet He did not completely reject the classical ghazal, but used the words of the classical ghazal: What is in the symbolic paradigm? Therefore, in this collection of Mohsin's poems, we see a beautiful combination of classical and modern love. Visitors can also read and download Band e Kaba by Mohsin Naqvi pdf. 

About Writer

Syed Mohsin Naqvi was born in a village called Sadat, near Dera Ghazi Khan. He graduated from Government. College, Boson Road, Multan. He did his masters from Punjab University, Lahore. His real name was Ghulam Abbas Naqvi but before reaching Lahore he was known as Mohsin Naqvi. He was also known as Ahlul Bayt. His poetry is popular all over the world and is read.

Book Name Band e Qaba
Author Mohsin Naqvi
In language Urdu
Genre Urdu Poetry
Size 1.7 MB
Book Format EBook
Pages 152

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