Deewan-e-Ghalib by Mirza Ghalib

Deewan-e-Ghalib by Mirza Ghalib

Author Mirza Ghalib
In language Urdu
Genre Poetry Book
Size 3.3 MB+
Type PDF


Ghalib is the poetical surname of Asadullah Khan, the most prominent artist of Urdu. He is the final of the extraordinary Delhi writers, and is the primary of the incredible advanced artists. He stands between two universes. Prepared in classical Persian and spiritualist logic, he moreover benefitted from the western impacts and the soul of Indian Renaissance. “He utilized ‘heterogeneous ideas’ and ‘yoked them beside voilence’ just like the English Mystical writers. He towers over the hundreds and hundreds of Urdu writers like a ‘victor’ (Ghalib), as his nom de plume means. Ghalib’s was a life of continuous torment, enduring and melancholy but for a brief period in his early youth. He came of a family of recognized Seljuqid Turks, and his predecessors involved vital positions within the armed forces of the Mughals and of the East India Company. He was born in Agra in 1797. His father Abdullah Ask Khan was slaughtered in activity when Ghalib was less than five a long time ancient.

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