Aamna Ka Laal | Rashidul Khairi | Download PDF

Book Name Aamna Ka Laal
Author Rashidul Khairi
In language Urdu
Genre Novel
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Type PDF
Pages 114

Aamna Ka Laal By Rashidul Khairi Free Download


Rashid Al-Khairi's novels are important in the field of Urdu novel writing. He wrote fiction, also wrote poetry, also performed journalistic duties. In all of them his importance as a novelist is Muslim. Rashid Al-Khairi also wrote social and corrective novels in the same style. In which education and training of women and depiction of the degraded characters of his society is also very good. "Amna Ka Lal" contains his biography, which covers his life and miracles.

Rashid Al-Khairi, one of the most prominent Urdu names in the genre of novel writing, was born in 1868 in Delhi. His father's name was Abdul Wahid who worked in Hyderabad. His predecessors were associated with the Mughal emperors as their teachers. He was also the uncle of Deputy Nazir Ahmad Rashid Al Khairi.
Rashid al-Khairi's father died when he was very young, so the task of raising him fell on his grandfather. Her uncle also continued to help. He studied Arabic, Persian and Urdu at home according to the customs of the time but later enrolled in English medium school. After completing his education, he took up government service in 1891 and remained associated with it. When he retired in 1910, he started writing and contributed many valuable novels to Urdu literature. He died at the age of 68. That is, he died in 1936.
As mentioned above, Nazir Ahmad had a great influence on Rasheed Al-Khairy. Nazir Ahmed made women's reform the subject of his novels. Under his influence, Rashid al-Khairi drew attention to women's issues and tried to cover topics not only in his novels but also in articles which were based on the situation and reform of women at that time. He published several magazines. "Infidelity" is the most famous of these. Other magazines such as Banat, Tamdoon, Johar Niswan and Sohaili were also published from time to time. She also set up an institution for the education and training of women called the "Synopsis".
Rashid al-Siddiq was the owner of the heart, he realized that the women of that time were very oppressed. Their status in society should not be as it should be. Then the backwardness of the customs of that time became even more severe. Therefore, he does not shy away from condemning ugly and ugly rituals and constantly denies such rituals. But he also rebuked Western civilization. Some critics disagree with Rashid al-Khairi's novels because they portray the woman as a virgin but deprive her of the pride of being her partner. To him, it is a statue of dignity, sincerity, selflessness, sacrifice, purity and truth in which there is no error. No major flaws, no weaknesses and this is a one sided picture.
Some of his important novels include "Amna Ka Lal", "Syeda Ka Lal", "Al-Zubaiha", "Arus-e-Karbala", "Mah-e-Ajam", "Nani Anshu", "Anguthi Ka Raz". ”,“ All Life ”,“ Evening Life ”,“ Serb Maghrib ”,“ Satan Medal ”,“ Hayat Saleh ”,“ Bint Al-Waqt ”,“ Wade Khatun ”etc. In 1936 at the age of 68.

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